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We will spend time not only learning about your products, services clients and business goals but actually in your business - meeting your team - understanding how you work.
No. Our Consultants all work remotely.
We are, of course, happy to visit you in your offices or even join ad-hoc team meetings, as required.
We price per hour for actual hours worked. This is based on agreed hours per week/month and is invoiced accordingly. Our outsourcing solutions are highly competitive and offer a cost-effective alternative for project-based work and business as usual.
The Project Kick-Off Plan, along with our contract defines the KPI's, descriptors, roles, time scales and expectations of the project. This is put together collaboratively at the start of any piece of work.
Whilst access to a company e-mail address and your business CRM can make for a more streamlined overall approach, we are happy to work around your requirements and security restrictions.
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